Thursday, February 1, 2007

Brain freeze

Yesterday wasn't so bad temperature wise, but sustained highway winds made driving longer than 15 minutes at a time painful... until...

I went to Kohl's and bought two velcro neck bandanas - the kind that go around your neck, snap in the back, and reach up and cover your mouth as well. I also bought a thin wool hat - the kind that hugs your head, not the kind that folds up with a lip at the bottom. All of this was to complement my existing head wrap, which wasn't up to the task of constant 75mph wind buffetting.

The solution worked perfectly. I wrapped one bandana right up to my mouth, so my breath could disperse, instead of fogging my sheild. The second bandana I wrapped around my neck, and bunche it up to reduce the wind chill on my neck, but more importantly to reduce the wind that crept up and circulated in my helmet. Finally, I put the hat on my head *on top of* my thin head wrap. Though it made the fit in my helmet a little snug, the added warmth was a tradeoff I was willing to make. All in all, I've now found yet another way to keep riding through the winter. And in case you forgot, I'm doing this all on a naked bike, so your results on any other type of bike should be even better.

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