Monday, May 7, 2007

Which GPS?

I've gotten a couple of emails about my recent GPS unit test on my bike (whereby I tested about 4 Garmin models, the TomTom, and a Magellan). My conclusion? The Garmin eTrex Vista Cx is by far the best motorcycle GPS unit available. Review below:

After a solid week of riding around with GPS units, I chose the Garmin eTrex Vista Cx. It's meant to be a hiker's handheld GPS unit, which makes it small enough to walk around with when it's off the bike, small enough to not obscure too much of the control panel on my bike, and it's backlight makes it bright enough in bright daylight. I looked at the tomtom, and the other models from garmin as well. They all tended to use custom batteries and chargers, and only gave something like 3 hours of use when the backlight was powered on fully. I didn't want to wire the thing into my bike, and it's been great just popping into the store when I get gas to also get AA batteries if I need them. The battery life on the Vista Cx is about 2 weeks on 1 pair of AA's - so I keep a spare set in my luggage.

Garmin beat out the other versions in my test because of the superior resolution maps you can buy (have to buy to make it worthwhile) - but it adds about $90 to the price of the device, since the built in maps aren't that great - they only show major interstates and large highways.

The only pros of the other versions were that they had larger screens and could speak out loud to you. That'll be the only thing that makes/breaks your decision I think. Otherwise, the vista cx also gives me turn-by-turn directions.

Next week I should be getting my motorcycle mount for it in the mail. In my opinion, it's the best GPS for bikes out there.

Hope this helps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey nycmoto, I like your posts, keep it up! I'm looking into this gps you recommend. Cheers!