Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Bridge review: Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

A casual reader pointed out that I'd excluded one of the most scenic bridges in the greater NYC area, the Verrazano-Narrows. Of course it's not technically a Manhattan bridge, as it connects Staten island to Brooklyn, but nonetheless:

Verrazano-Narrows bridge **** 4 stars
For starters, this bridge can be tricky to get to from Manhattan - most people will take the Brooklyn-Battery tunnel to 278, and then veer East in order to go West, which throws off enough people at the highway fork alone to consider the trip unsafe (riding in the far left lane is best here). What's worse, the entire trip will consist of high ocean winds buffeting you on both sides. But in spite of its weaknesses, the view is truly spectacular, just as long as you're on the Trucks lanes on the upper level of the bridge, and not on the Cars only lower level. From here, you can see Manhattan island at a distance, and a view of Staten island and New Jersey from the peak. Just make sure to brush up on your wind counter steering skills before making the trek.

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