Thursday, January 18, 2007

The universe is about to end...

Today, I saw one of the most terrifying sights. A Vespa... with a custom racing stripe down the middle of its body and seat. Now what on earth is that supposed to imply? I mean really. I've gotten a couple of emails from Vespa riders... you know who you are, so I'm not going to join the standard Vespa-knocking that goes on these days. But is it really going to do any good trying to regain your masculinity with a racing stripe, when your vehicle is already 100% chic? I don't think so.

While we're on the topic of scooters, the city is clearly overrun with them. I think that's great, but I fear for their safety. I see far too many scooters flying around in all-black attire, or riders wearing only dress slacks and a button-down shirt. In fact, I saw one of the most disturbing sights last Friday. I man was riding a woman he clearly picked up at a bar. She was riding in back, straddling him, with... only... fishnet stockings. Let's step back for one second, and imagine what she was thinking. Clearly, nothing coherent. Did she think her fishnets would protect her from the NYC pavement for 1 inch or 2? Or did she think it would look sexy to have charred fishnet lace burned into her flesh, only to be picked out by scalpel in the ER later? Either way, I cringed when I saw it. Not cool. Not chic. And definitely not hot.

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